Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Co. (Transco) has filed an application with the US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) seeking authorization to construct and operate its Southeastern Trail Project.
The Southeastern Trail Project includes the construction and operation of approximately 8 mi. (13 km) of new natural gas pipeline located along Transco’s existing mainline; 60,720 hp (45,297 kW) of additional compression at three existing facilities in Virginia, USA, (Compressor Station 185, Compressor Station 175, and Compressor Station 165); reversal and/or deodorization modifications at eight existing mainline facilities in South Carolina, Georgia, and Louisiana, USA; and modifications at 13 existing mainline valve sites in South Carolina and Georgia, USA.
The project also includes the retirement and abandonment of 10 recip-engine powered compressor units and related buildings and ancillary equipment at Transco’s existing Compressor Station 165 in Pittsylvania County, Virginia.
The Southeastern Trail Project is an expansion of Transco’s existing pipeline system that will enable Transco to provide an additional 296,375 dekatherms per day of firm transportation service to the project shippers from the existing Zone 5 Pleasant Valley Interconnect facility between Transco and Dominion Energy Cove Point in Fairfax County, Virginia (receipt interconnect) to the existing Zone 3 Station 65 pooling point located in St. Helena Parish, Louisiana (delivery point).
Compressor station modifications include:
Station 185, Prince William County, Virginia – Uprating of the existing electric driven compression unit driver from 25,000 hp (18,650 kW) to 30,000 hp (22,380 kW) and regearing the associated variable speed drive.
Station 175, Fluvanna County, Virginia – One 22,490 hp (16,777 kW) Solar Titan 130 turbine-driven centrifugal gas compressor will be installed and the existing EMD Unit will be uprated to operate at 41,250 hp (30,772 kW). The turbine and compressor of the new compressor unit will be installed inside a separate acoustically insulated metal compressor building. After installation of the modifications associated with the project, the total station horsepower capacity will be 63,740 hp (47,550 kW).
Station 165, Pittsylvania County, Virginia – Station modifications will consist of the addition of two new Solar Model Titan 130 turbine-driven centrifugal gas compressor units rated 20,500 hp (15,293 kW) each; addition of a new gas aftercooler that will serve the new compressor units; and removal of the ten existing recip-engine driven compressor units (#1 – #10). The new turbines and compressors of will be installed inside a new compressor building.
The project is targeted to be placed in-service by November 1, 2020.
Date On - May 9, 2018